Monday, October 25, 2010

Late Night Music Part 72........."Blinded By The Light"

I realized yesterday that while I definitely did an entry featuring all songs with "dark" in the title, I never did "light". Do I want to be known as the guy who is all doom and gloom? I don't think so. Bonus points right off the bat to Nelly Furtado for being the only artist to appear on both lists.

In order to receive votes in this category, the SONG TITLE had to have the word "Light" in it somewhere (even if it is in parenthes like this- it's still part of the official song title). Also receiving votes in this category were "Put Your Lights On" by Santana featuring Everlast, "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" by Meatloaf, "The Light" by Common, and "Keep The Lights On" by The Wave Machines. NOT RECEIVING VOTES were "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" by Reba McEntire or "Light Up" by Drake- sorry I just can't do it. Also, "Turn Off The Lights" by Teddy Pendergrass was disqualified just due to the fact of the mental pictures it creates.

"Blinded By The Light"- Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Ok, I admit, this song had a little bit to do with inspiring this list. However, I still have no idea what they are saying. Manfred Mann used the Kurt Cobain theory "if I make people try to figure out for a really long time what I'm singing, my song will stay on the charts longer" that worked so well for Nirvana and "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Really seemed to work- I mean I've put him on my list twice now and still don't have a clue what he's saying. I didn't focus on it last time, but the outfits of the band in this video are beyond ridiculous. First off, Manfred Mann looks like an out of work house painter who lost his wig and borrowed Fuzzy Zoeller's glasses. The drummer looks like Daniel-San from "The Karate Kid"- that or a guy who escaped from the hospital in the middle of the night. The guitar player is wearing a half of a El Matador outfit and has a haircut that would even make a gay guy say "what the hell". The keyboardist just needs to strip naked because he'd sadly look better- seriously, who goes on national TV with a half too small tank top that's purple to push your #1 song? FAIL!

"Light My Fire"- The Doors. Surprisingly, not only is the The Doors first appearance on "Late Night Music", I have to admit that I have never been a super big fan of theirs. Maybe it's because Jim Morrison creeps me out, the guy was mad talented, but he really had a way of making me think he was a serial killer. In 1967, The Doors released their debut album with this as their second single and their first #1 single. I have, however, always been fascinated how The Doors are probably the only successful rock band in history to not have a bass player. It's simply drums, guitar, and keyboards- quite a rare combination. I guess that's part of the reason they stood out so much. I have to also add that the keyboard solo (featured here on the longer album version rather than the single version) by Ray Manzarek is pretty sick. The guitar solo by Robby Krieger afterwards is pretty sick itself. Great song.

"Miami 2017 (Seen The Lights Go Out On Broadway)"- Billy Joel. Man, this will shock alot of people, but if I'm not mistaken, this is Billy Joel's first appearance also (ok, scratch that, I just remembered that it isn't-whew). He was always my mom's favorite singer- hands down. This guy's pure musicianship and piano playing/writing ability is almost unmatched. Billy Joel just brings a swagger to the piano that really only Elton John can match on a consistent basis. This song, from his 1976 album "Turnstiles" is really weird in a way, because it's almost like a sci-fi song. The song, obviously by the title, is written from the perspective of a guy in the city of Miami in the year 2017 after having witnessed the destruction of New York City and attending an unauthorized concert in Brooklyn on the city's last night of existence. I always thought this song was weird because Billy Joel is writing about his hometown. Interesting concept, but strange nonetheless. Something else about Billy Joel I really like is how loyal he is to his band and how loyal they are to him (but come to think of it, how awesome would it be to be in his band?). He has had basically the same band since 1991 with very few changes. This concert is from 2006 from a show in Tokyo, Japan and features that entire band (with the main exception being his longtime drummer Liberty Devitto).

"Red Light Special"- TLC. I freaking love Chili- wow, Usher was stupid to cheat on her. She goes on the long list of celebrity wives who get cheated on by stupid boyfriends/husbands. Wow! What a woman! Anyway, in 1994, TLC had released "Crazy Sexy Cool" and reached elite status, and went on to sell over 10 million copies. After the success of their ode to extramarital affairs hit "Creep", they released this song that seriously put the "sexy" in "Crazy Sexy Cool", and went to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100. I am gonna go ahead and call this the most explicit TLC song ever. Yeah, easy one. Bonus points for Boris Kodjoe in the video as a male prostitute- little did he know playing that role would lead to him playing a secret agent on "Undercovers".

"Lights and Sounds"- Yellowcard. First off, bonus points to Yellowcard for having two songs possible for this list (also "Light Up The Sky"), but since it was featured on "Up, Up, And Away", it was disqualified. This title track from their 2006 follow up album to smash album "Ocean Avenue", shows just a small glimpse of how much their sound changed from album to album. "Ocean Avenue" is one of my favorite albums by any band ever, but like most Yellowcard fans, I was disappointed in this effort, despite this song being a decent listen and a pretty good video.

"Turn Your Lights Down Low"- Bob Marley and the Wailers. YES! One of my favorite songs ever! Off of his signature album, 1977's "Exodus", Bob Marley recorded most of this album in London while recuperating from the attempt on his life in 1976 that injured him and his family. This song's meaning has been disagreed upon, but is actually about an affair Bob Marley had with a woman in Jamaica and how he would sneak in her window. Despite it's background, this song remains one of the best love songs ever written.

"In The House of Stone and Light"- Martin Page. Wow, another song from "They Said WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?". Like I said last time, it seriously sounds like Martin Page says "I will lop a poop in my eye" at 2:51 of the video. Look for yourself and see. This was another song that was played to death in the United Kingdom during our trip there in 1995, and wound up being an international hit for Martin Page that wound up peaking at #14. Despite numerous questions, no one really knows what this song is about, and no one knows what he's really saying anyway. Despite this song being his one brush with singing fame, he actually co-wrote hits like "These Dreams" by Heart and "We Built This City On Rock And Roll" by Starship. That should tell you enough.

"Half Light"- Athlete. Athlete is a band from Deptford, England, and this song was featured on their second album, "Tourist". This song was ironically used heavily to promote the final episode of "Star Trek: Enterprise" in the United Kingdom. I don't know why either- good question. Lead singer Joel Pott curiously looks just like Michael Ian Black who was from "Ed" fame as Phil Stubbs. Yeah, I know most of you never watched "Ed" or it would still be in the air- still my favorite show ever. I really like this song, but this video is really confusing- they are in a desert dressed in jackets and abunch of animals run by- and that portrays a "half light" how? By the way, no animals were harmed in the making of this video.

"Hold Up A Light"- Take That. Most people forget that Take That was the British equivalent of Backstreet Boys, and while they never had alot of American success, they were known everywhere else in the world, and for a little while in the 1990's, you could make a case that Take That was the biggest boy band in the world if you didn't count the United States. Ok, I have no idea why you'd make that case either- but it's just another random fact. Also, much like the Backstreet Boys, Take That also had a very long hiatus before coming back together in 2006 and later releasing 2008's "The Circus", with this song being the final single from the album. I actually saw Take That member Robbie Williams while he was on his solo career perform the song "Feel" live on the "Tonight Show" on the night Katie Couric hosted. Speaking of that..........DO NOT MISS TONIGHT'S BONUS VIDEO!

"Go Light Your World"- Kathy Troccoli. Kathy Trocolli is one of the few artists who actually started out in mainstream music with the hit "Everything Changes" before moving to Christian music with this 1995 hit that also became a mainstream hit. I like how she's a really good singer, but looks nothing like a singer- beautiful woman though.

"Green Light"- John Legend featuring Andre 3000. I love how John Legend got away from his normal sound with this song from his slow jam styles in "Get Lifted" and "Once Again". His lead single from his album "Evolver" showed that he can be a hip hop artist as well. I love how this video almost turns into an Outkast video featuring John Legend rather than the other way around, that's really funny actually. Can't figure out why Estelle makes a cameo in this video either. Bonus points for the "morning after" scene at the end.

"Dance Into The Light"- Phil Collins. I always thought this song and album was kind of a slap in the face to Genesis because Collins left Genesis for good in 1995 and became a full time solo artist. You leave a group you were with for years and you release a song called this? Call me crazy, but it almost sounds like he's glad to be free- but hey, maybe I'm wrong. This video hurts my eyes, but not as much as Phil Collins trying to act cool with his incredibly bad bald head.

"Light Up The Sky"- The Afters. The Afters have been one of Christian rock's biggest bands for the last few years, and have had a great crossover presence with this title track from their latest album that was released last month, also its lead single being featured on MTV's "The Hills". The Afters have always reminded me of a cross between Lifehouse and Mae- just the sound and passion and tone of their songs because like both bands, you can draw your own meaning for their songs despite the song's origin. This video is different for the fact it's the first time I've ever used a non-official "drama" video, as I usually only use live performances, official videos, or just a picture with sounds. This depiction of this song in this video is very moving. Great interpretation.

"Turn Off The Light"- Nelly Furtado. Sorry, I was distracted by the mud wrestling. I keep forgetting Nelly Furtado is Canadian- she just screams "Crazy Mexican" to me even though she was born to parents who were Canadian immigrants from the African island nation Azores. This song is kinda catchy, as was her entire 2001 debut album "Whoa, Nelly!" despite the album name being probably the worst ever. Bonus points for the sampling of "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield.

"Ray Of Light"- Madonna. As I've mentioned before, in 1998, Madonna ended her "whore" phase with her smash album "Ray of Light". Not only did she finally look as sexy as she really is, she had some awesome music to go along with it, as well as this killer video which took home that year's VMA for Video Of The Year. Must be the time lapse, and I'm gonna go ahead and give bonus points for it, that's just super cool.

"Red Light"- David Nail. Just for you country fans. Not a bad song, I just think he's a country boy who wants to be a pop singer. His voice just has too much soul to be a country singer. He actually reminds me alot of Pat Monahan of Train, which recorded his first single, the title track from his debut album- weird. This song from his debut album "I'm About To Come Alive" was also Nail's first Top 10 hit.

"Dim All The Lights"- Donna Summer. I'm not even gonna waste my time telling you the story behind this song. She does it for me here in this great 1999 live performance. Still one of the most underrated female singers ever and one of the best from the disco era.

"Lights"- Journey. In 1977, Steve Perry joined Journey and brought them into the mainstream spotlight with their first album together "Infinity". This song, about their hometown of San Francisco, is thought to be the first song of many that Steve Perry wrote for Journey. If you didn't know this, you would watch this video and think that Journey was a British band- just has that feel.

"When The Lights Go Out"- Five. Yep, I went there.


"Feel"- Robbie Williams. As I stated before, in 2003, NBC did a special "switch" where Jay Leno hosted "The Today Show" for Katie Couric in New York and she hosted "The Tonight Show" for him in Los Angeles. My mother and I happened to be in the audience the night she hosted (yeah I know the one dang time Jay doesn't host and we happened to be there- talk about crazy). We waited in line for something like 5 hours and were on the 3rd row. If you look closely, you can see me pointing with a red long sleeved shirt at the 1:44 mark. Those stupid girls going crazy actually camped out all night to see him do one dang song. Sorry, I don't like anyone that much. I am literally 2 feet from him when he sits in the girls lap. Also, when he went on stage, it may have been the hardest I've ever laughed in my entire life. I thought I was going to hyperventilate. Great moment. Bonus points for me being in the video.

Now what would have been so hard about looking like this all along?
Back when Billy Joel had hair
He definitely gave me one of the funniest moments of my life


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