Sunday, August 01, 2010

Late Night Music Part 48.................."Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"

Every genre of music has had vehicles of all sorts in their music almost as a status symbol. For hip hop, it's the SUVs, for country, it's the pick up truck, and even for some it's a dang surfboard, but vehicles and music seem to always go hand in hand. Some artists go beyond just putting them in the video, but they write whole songs about them. Sometimes, it's a good song, sometimes it just seemed like a good idea at the time.........

In order to be on the list, the song title has to feature a vehicle of some sort. Also receiving votes in this category was "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, "That Ain't My Truck" by Rhett Atkins, and "In My Car" by The Pack.

"Aeroplane"- Red Hot Chili Peppers. I'd like to point out that this video might set the record for most extreme wardrobe changes in a video. How do you go from shirtless to eskimo in a matter of seconds? Anyway, I was never a big fan of this album, "One Hot Minute", but loved the follow up "Californication", I kinda wish this one would have been on there. I love these songs that are pretty dark lyrically yet have a catchy beat. Sadly enough, I can really relate with this song. The Chili Peppers have always been pretty middle of the road to me. I really like them sometimes, other times I wanna turn them off.

"Love's Train" - Con Funk Shun. Great live version of this 1983 classic song by one of the most underrated bands of the funk/disco era. I seem to always be in the mood for this song for some reason. Michael Cooper is super front man.

"Fast Car"- Tracy Chapman. Surprisingly enough, this is Tracy Chapman's first appearance on "Late Night Music". In 1988, Tracy took the world by storm with this song that became famous for appearing on the Nelson Mandela's 70th birthday tribute album. It was also nominated for a plethora of Grammies and wound up winning for Best Pop Female Performance, and is still easily Tracy Chapman's best song. I have tried to be open to her other stuff, but I seriously just can't get into it. I usually am pretty open to artists of her genre, but I just haven't cared for much of her other stuff. That's the bad part when your biggest hit is your first one- I guess I expected the rest of her stuff to be like this one. Negative points for her hair in this video- gross.

"She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" - Kenny Chesney. Tons of you say I don't include enough country music on here, but I don't think you can get much more country than this Kenny Chesney hit from 1999. I have to admit that every time I cut the grass on a riding mower I think about this song and hope a woman like that is watching me. Kenny Chesney is a pretty good singer, but he always cracks me up- he's so little he looks like a little kid. Also, why do all male country singers look so cool in tank tops?

"Pick Up Man"- Joe Diffie. Another country song for all of you cowboys and cowgirls out there. In another song that it just as ridiculous in premise as "She Think My Tractor's Sexy", when this song came out when I was in 7th grade, it made me wanna get a pick up truck.........until I saw their gas mileage, then I decided it wasn't worth the price I'd have to pay. Bonus points for Joe Diffie's mullet.

"Cars"- Gary Numan. Christen, please pay attention to this one.....thank you. I think we've already read about how much this song creeps me out.

"Leaving On a Jet Plane"- John Denver. Really cool live version here from a 1972 version of "Midnight Special" (man I wish that show was still on the air!) with Cass Elliott of the Mamas and Papas. John Denver to have such cheesy music really seemed like he was a cool guy. Seriously, I can think of about 4 people that could pull that off that look and still look cool. (Ok side note, doesn't that applause as he starts the song sound fake?) I think this song shows that Cass Elliott was one of the better harmony singers in the 1970's with her great blend here. I guess John Denver didn't do enough drugs for her to tour with. Bonus points for Mama Cass's dress.

"Rocket Man"- Elton John. Before the song even starts, EJ adjusting his glasses is hilarious! What a dork! LOL! One of the things I love about Elton John is how his songs sound awesome with full band or like this version, with just him and the piano. Name another artist who can sound awesome both ways all the time. Elton John, for my money, is still the best rock n' roll piano player of our time- what an incredible musician. Congratulations to him for finally getting some hair though- that hairline he has rocking here is pretty ridiculous.

"Yellow Submarine"- The Beatles. This 1966 Beatles song is a perfect example of how Paul McCartney could think of the silliest song, let Ringo Starr sing it, and still make a hit record. He himself admitted that he had to make this song easy "so Ringo could sing it". While the Beatles had some of the most complex, diverse, difficult, and beautiful music of our time, this song is not one of those.

"Little Red Corvette"- Prince. I really wish Prince would let his videos be on youtube more because this video is quite hilarious. This lead single off of the 1982 album "1999" is quite possibly Prince's most obscene song lyrically if you really know and think about what the song is about. The funny part is that while Prince has some of the most racy music ever written, his nastiest song is completely subliminal.

"Cadillacs on 22's"- David Banner. I featured this song back on Late Night Music 7, and 41 entries later, this video still tickles me every time I see it. Bonus points for the goofy white guy behind DB. I've always thought the "R.I.P. Emmitt Till" shirt was interesting, and actually pretty controversial still to this day. If you're not familiar, look him up. David Banner is a pretty talented guy and I really enjoyed seeing him in concert back in 2002, but man he is GOOFY. I love how so many rappers try to have deep meaning songs like this but look silly trying to do it. I gotta give props for the effort though. Obvious bonus points for the entire video being shot in Jackson.

"Taxi"- Harry Chapin. I always love when I get to feature Harry Chapin, as he one of the 1970's biggest celebrity humanitarians, and really did most of it without alot of fanfare. Sources confirm at least 1/3 of his concert earnings being given to world hunger, but some estimates say as much as 50%. His songs were often called "stories" and this one from his 1972 album "Heads and Tales", his first and best album, tells the story of a San Francisco taxi driver and his chance meeting with his now celebrity ex-girlfriend. Bonus points for bass player John Wallace's tenor solo.

"Motorcycle Drive By"- Third Eye Blind. Here is a live version of what many fans consider their best song ever. Surprisingly enough, this awesome song was never released as a single despite being the best song on their 1997 debut album, and Third Eye Blind can't play a live show without playing this song. While the meaning is misunderstood by some, it's actually about a trip to the beach Stephan Jenkins made to go surfing after flying all the way to New York City to see a female that wound up breaking his heart. Third Eye Blind has always been one of my favorite bands ever and always will be, but these guys have got to figure something about because they look like complete goobs on the stage right here. They all look like they are wearing costumes from high school plays. Also, why is it that every time you see Third Eye Blind play live Stephan Jenkins (who sounds awesome on all studio recordings) screams so loud that he loses his voice and has trouble with the climatic point of the song? Oh well, all that aside, this is a spectacular song and I really really really really wanna see these guys live.

"Unwinding Cable Car"- Anberlin. I finally found an excuse to get one of my favorite up and coming bands on here! (Funny how I say they are "up and coming" but the album which this song appears on, "Cities" debuted at #19 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart, maybe "non-mainstream" is a better term. While they are usually more heavy, this band from Winter Haven, Florida has a true gem in this song. Some people can't decide (and I don't think the band can either) if they are a Christian band, but nonetheless, this song has meant so much to me lately and this video is as deep as it gets. I always enjoy listening to this song after a long day just to remind myself about how all the decisions we make have an everlasting affect whether or not we realize it. This song does a great job of describing of how you should not get too far ahead of yourself and try to stay content with the present. Take 4 1/2 minutes and watch this video!

BONUS VIDEO- "Boats and Hoes"- Prestige Worldwide. From the movie "Step Brothers".....I'll just let you watch.

I really wanna see these guys live!
The coolest man to ever sing cheesy music
Um yeah.......ok


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