Sunday, August 01, 2010

Late Night Music Part 45............"And We'll Fill In The Missing Colors In Each Other's Paint By Number Dreams"

Well, after Tina's comment last week that the numbers would probably feel left out after the colors got their turn, I figured it was time for those number bands to have their chance. I've always been an inclusive kind of guy, so I figured they could be shown some love too. In order to be included in this category the name of the PERFORMER had to include a number. In a rare occurence, all artists receiving votes in this category were included in tonight's list, as I really can't think of anymore. :)

"Roam"- B-52's. Still my favorite B-52's song- PLEASE STOP TELLING ME I SHOULD HAVE PUT "LOVE SHACK". This song is more catchy and the video is better just for the simple fact it doesn't feature RuPaul. However, it does feature Fred Schneider, who will be added to the list of people that have a gay-dar off the charts- what you think Devon? I see this video more and more and I become more and more turned on by Kate Pierson (the redhead). Great commercial song here- bonus points for being used on Discovery Channel commercials. Random fact- the B-52's are not named for the airplane, but rather the hairstyle named after the airplane. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE this song!

"Because the Night"- 10,000 Maniacs. I've thought about it and I can't remember hearing this song's studio version more than a few times. For some reason, this live performance from 1993's "Unplugged" album has become quite a classic. Few people (including me) don't know that this song is actually a cover of a Patti Smith song written by Bruce Springsteen (excuse me while I yawn). However, I am intrigued by this performance and always have been. First of all, I remember a few things about it. In 6th grade, it seemed everyone who was "cool" had this CD and I for some reasons didn't. I guess when you're 12 it's cool to be down with the new age progressive band that has the MTV album. Second, 10,000 Maniacs has always been an odd band to just watch. It's like they are walking all over the stage while Natalie Merchant (who I have NEVER thought to be remotely attractive, but is an excellent singer nonetheless) tries to lead the way on the microphone. Also, you know this is a true live performance with the false start on the applause. Bonus points for not messing up.

"What's Up?"- 4 Non Blondes. After their one hit wonder status in the early 90's, 4 Non Blondes disbanded, but I was intrigued to see that lead singer Linda Perry actually had a huge influence on the early career of Pink (amazing what you learn on "Behind the Music"), not to be disrespectful, but I can think of several other leading women in music I think I'd want influencing me as a young artist, but hey, Pink seems to know what she's doing. Anyway, I've never been really sold on this song, and honestly, I think the worst part of the song is Perry herself. This guitar riff is killer and the lyrics seems to be decent, but this has got to be one of the stupidest sounding songs ever when sung by her, and I think Linda Perry was determined to show off her lesbianism by doing her best impression of Johnny Depp in the movie "Benny and Joon".

"Hold On Loosely"- 38 Special. Before watching this video ask yourself AND answer the question- why do so many drummer in the 1980's feel the need to be shirtless? Ok now watch. Then ask yourself why in the hell 38 Special had 2 drummers. For some reason, I've heard this song in a lot of ballparks, does that make it a baseball song? 38 Special has always flown under the radar as a really good Southern Rock Band (when your older brother is the lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd you can probably be overshadowed), and until I really watched this video I always thought they were getting slighted, but now I have figured it out, it wasn't that people didn't like their music, it was just because they are ugly as hell.

"Poppin' My Collar"- Three 6 Mafia. A word of advice to all of you up and coming rappers, when you have the word "Crunchy" in your stage name you sound ridiculous. Ok, I like this song, and 3 6 has always to me been one of the better rap groups, but after meeting these guys backstage before their performance at Austin Peay's homecoming in 2008, I have come to the realization that DJ Paul and Juicy J are two of the dumbest individuals alive. I should have watched this video first, and I would have had an advantage and wouldn't have expected so much from them. Nice guys, just not the brightest. Bonus points for the kids in the Escalade being better rappers than Project Pat- like that's hard.

"I Won't Go Home Without You"- Maroon 5. Maroon 5 and Adam Levine have the distinction of being the only band featured on the "colors" and "numbers" versions of "Late Night Music"- congratulations guys! But why won't Adam Levine get out of that chair? It looks like he's being kidnapped or something. Bonus points in this one just for being Adam Levine..........we have a "thing".

"Blue"- Eiffel 65. You would think with a name like that the guys are from France, but they are actually from........Italy? Ok- and don't you think they ripped off the Blue Man Group just a LITTLE bit in this video? However, I think this song is strangely cool and this video REALLY reminds me of the N64 game "Perfect Dark".

"Kings and Queens"- 30 Seconds to Mars. Two words...............Jared Leto. Just for you Scherer.

"All Mixed Up"- 311. Here is another band I was always kinda mediocre on. However, in 10th/11th grade it seemed if you were "cool" you were a 311 "fan". Funny how times change. I always kinda liked this song, but I can't figure who's singing when when both "lead singers" keep holding the mic up to their mouth. I guess I just better trust my instincts.

"Wobble Wobble"- 504 Boyz. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......ok.

"21 Questions"- 50 Cent. INFINITE BONUS POINTS FOR MEGAN GOOD!!!!!!!! Wow! She is some kind of sexy! Now, I actually like the concept of this video and I always thought it was one of 50 Cent's more "normal" songs as it seems pretty practical, but please spare me Tyson freaking Beckford as a bad guy. Also, spare me Tyson Beckford lasting more than 2 days ever in prison. 50 Cent has spent enough time in jail to know that the bad dudes in a prison don't look like Tyson Beckford- c'mon man! More bonus points for Nate Dogg. I would have been more sold on him as the bad guy in prison.
shot more times than a Polaroid camera
hold on loosely, but PLEASE let go!
I'll ROAM to Kate Pierson's LOVE SHACK


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