Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Me and Eskew in 20 Years- An NFL Story, Part 1

I just found this picture of me and Eric at a New Orleans Saints vs. Austin Peay playoff football game in 2026 in Clarksville, TN. As you can see, Eric has to wear an Irish T-Shirt because his red hair is gone. This picture was taken at 6am on Thursday morning. The game was on Sunday, and we had been camping out for 3 days. We had to go to Clarksville two weeks ahead of time to reserve our spot in line. Three days later, we went to wait in line for the game with two coolers, five kegs, a van full of Mike Anderson's seafood, a grill, and John Drew on speed dial to cook the meat. John Drew had to come to the tailgate, because he heard that according to several people in Baton Rouge. "they don't know who John Drew is at Austin Peay". John, eventhough he is nearly 90 years old, made the trip down from New Jersey wearing his throwback Jim Brown jersey. When we had set up shop for our tailgate (in the middle of school hours) someone asked what we were doing. Trying to avoid a scene, a local APSU fan we had just met went up to the parking attendant and said "aw they just waiting for the Saints". When this wasn't good enough for him, Eric called our good buddy Brad Wilson who came hauling around the corner in his brand new black Hummer with his son Braden riding shotgun. All of a sudden, that thing lit up like a christmas tree- I mean seriously- blue lights galore! Brad got on his intercom system on the truck, and just by looking important, the campus security officer was scared away. However, me and Eric missed all of this- because we thought we saw some single military daughters walking a distance away. However, we got the four hour story from John when we got back. It's almost like we were there, and when you think like a logistical engineer, you can really relate. However, we later found out that John didn't see any of this, because he was telling the guy cutting the grass the difference between sleepers and nappers, the technique for cooking at Fall Fest, and the story of the polling place. Anyway, the tumultuous adventure was capped off by Austin Peay squeaking past the Saints 79-6. With the Saints' only touchdown coming on the opening kickoff being returned by NFL veteran Reggie Bush, but the PAT was blocked and returned for 2 points . A valiant effort, but the Saints still can't figure how to stop the run....or the pass.


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