Friday, July 21, 2006

Shea Hillenbrand did WHAT?

This story has me seriously perplexed. I mean seriously, I have all the respect in the world for Shea Hillenbrand for adopting a baby girl. My good friend Matt Rouse in Alabama has adopted three children and it takes a special person to really take children in. However, searching for a pat on the back is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. Shea Hillenbrand should have adopted the girl because he wanted to make a difference in the little girl's life by giving her a wealthy family to grow up in and have a daddy that plays Major League Baseball, and to affect possibly several other people just by taking another human being in. But no, he publicly said that he was upset about the Blue Jays not "congratulating him publicly". Then, throwing a fit about not starting when your making $6 million a year? Come on! Hillenbrand is at BEST the third best hitter on the team (especially behind Vernon Wells and Troy Glaus) and he is asking for superstar treatment. Doesn't work that way. However, while you can easily only get mad at Hillenbrand- what the hell are the Blue Jays thinking running a franchise this way? What kind of owner condones a manager admitting to the press that "I challenged Hillenbrand to a fight." See, this is why the Blue Jays will never be a contender in the AL East. Ever since their world championship of 1993, they have made bad PR move after bad personnel move and it's gonna hurt them in the long run. I think there's an outside possibility they could sneak into the playoffs this season, but with drama and chemistry problem like this going on, I seriously doubt it. Even at the professional level, it is the duty of the manager of a baseball team to keep the team together, not spark incidents in the clubhouse like John Gibbons does now. It's a shame that a good player and a really good season for the Toronto Blue Jays is gonna be wasted like this and only be remembered for this ugly incident.


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