Thursday, July 27, 2006

Floyd Landis Tests Positive for Testosterone

To quote one of my favorite Jay Money quotes ever, "See, this is why I can't take you seriously!". While there is no doubt in my mind that Lance Armstrong is clean, the sport of cycling is probably the most doping filled sport in all of the world. It was released this morning that American and eventual Tour de France champion Floyd Landis (pictured here) tested positive after the 17th stage in which he made up an 8 minute deficit in a performance that was called by many cycling insiders "the greatest performance in the history of the Tour de France". This mars a great story in which Landis, a former U.S. Postal Service teammate of Lance Armstrong, and always seen as "being in his shadow", is also scheduled to have hip replacement surgery in the next few weeks because of a serious hip injury. Not only does this new release look bad for the United States and cycling, but it's gonna open a whole new can of worms on Lance Armstrong.


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