Monday, February 08, 2010

Late Night Music Snow Day/Groundhog Day Edition Part 28................."Baby It's Cold Outside"

Here buried in our winter wonderland in Clarksville, Tennessee, we have to take the time to remember the songs and artists that made us glad to be cold. While most of us won't be at school tomorrow, we can listen to these songs while we watch Punxsutawney Phil look for his shadow and just pray there is no more winter. Seriously, any time it's so cold you don't even want to go to buy groceries, something is wrong. For clarification, all songs in this category had to have something to do with cold in the title or by a band with a cold word in their name and COULD NOT BE A CHRISTMAS SONG. So, find a loved one, grab some hot cocoa, snuggle up, and remember the songs that made us want not want to stay warm.

Crossfade- "Cold". We'll start off with some irony. Can't you just see mother nature singing this song? I didn't mean to be so cold? Hey, it's a thought.

Coldplay- "Yellow". I always like to think of this song as the song that put Coldplay on the map from their debut album, 2000's "Parachutes". While I think Chris Martin is an extremely ugly human being, his talent is undeniable. This song has been featured in some great TV/movie breakup scenes.

Cold- "Happens All The Time". A rock band that doesn't get enough credit, this is actually a great love song diguised by hard rock. However, a small aside, if your band is called COLD why do you have a video on the beach? Just a thought. Great song here and definitely my favorite Cold song. Their lead singer is a strange looking guy though.

Snow Patrol- "Chasing Cars". We all remember this song from "Grey's Anatomy" prom scene from the season 2 season finale, but this powerful song is always a good listen. Again, please notice, a band named SNOW PATROL playing a video barefoot. Can they please at least ACT the part?

Red Hot Chili Peppers- "Snow (Hey Oh)". Surprisingly, RHCP is making their debut on "Late Night Music", which is surprising because they have always been one of my favorite bands. Flea's bass line makes this song. The thing I've always liked about them is the licks on their intros and despite their headline status, they seem just like a jam band. I like the way they involve the fans in this video.

Snow- "The Informer". Whatever.

Kings of Convenience- "Mrs. Cold". This Norwegian duo is not only making their "Late Night Music" debut, they are more than likely making their debut with most of you. You know how I always say how some bands that are American look foreign (Live)? These guys DEFINITELY look American just because they are so goofy. In an odd way, these guys remind of the Flight of the Conchords. I really think this is a well made video for a not well known band. This song is obviously about a guy too scared to approach a woman, and it's greatly conveyed in this video.

Breaking Benjamin- "So Cold". Thanks to our good friend Jay Money, I have gotten more into BB over the last few years, and I've always liked this song. But, this has to be one of the strangest eeriest videos I've seen in recent memory. I always like watching BB videos because while they are a rocking band, their lead singer looks like a preppy sissy boy. I always think he's lip syncing. To make matters worse, he always looks angry when he sings.

Louis Jordan and Ella Fitzgerald- "Baby It's Cold Outside". Just for good measure I had to include this 1949 classic by two swing big band legends. I think they put it best "baby you'll freeze out there".

BONUS VIDEOS- The 2006 New Orleans Saints Version of "Fix You" by Coldplay.

From the Bill Murrary movie- Happy Groundhog Day Everybody.
the guys who made it cool to be cold
great band, but do they look cold to you?
at least they look like the MIGHT be on a snow patrol
oh the irony of them being on this list


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