Thursday, September 28, 2006

Terrell Owens- Biggest Waste Ever?

Ok I'm not gonna spend alot of time on this, because I don't want him to have the spotlight- not even here. But with the disputed attempted suicide of Terrell Owens being reported as a "medical reaction to painkillers" by Owens, and the subsequent frustration of Dallas Cowboys coach Bill Parcells. You have to think THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE! I mean seriously, how big of an idiot does a team have to be to give this guy a chance? All he has ever done is take attention away from the team. Granted, he is a freakish athlete who is one of the most talented players ever to play in the NFL. However, how many times has he used his talent for GOOD? How positive things have you heard about Terrell Owens off the field? Have you seen a Terrell Owens story that actually has a happy ending? Let me just say that along with maybe Maurice Clarrett, T.O. might be the most hideous display of sadness and tragedy in the history of sports.


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