Monday, August 14, 2006

The Impossible Task of.....

Most people claim I can't do it. So here goes- I can't sleep either, so I guess this is just a way to fight the insomnia. This is the complete list of every teacher I've EVER had. As well as something about them.

Kindergarten- Susan Young- still teaching her own idea of "transitional first grade" also called T1, and one of the most beautiful unmarried women alive. Also with her was Ginger Trammell- a "I'm gonna teach until I get pregnant" MILF.

1st grade- Carolyn Ponder- retired, but was in a near fatal auto accident recently that took the life of her husband

2nd grade- Carolyn Hand- one of my favorite teachers EVER! Also retired, and after I left her class she married some guy and moved to Waynesboro

3rd grade- Marilyn Young- retired had a serious relapse of cancer recently and I haven' t heard an update since

4th grade- Linda Wixon- one of the strangest human beings I've ever met- married some guy and they moved to Japan to be missionaries

5th grade- Ann Scott- still teaching the same class and one of the biggest Miss. State fans alive. Also had Linda Gilbert- treated me like shit, but I saw her recentlyl and she gave me her congratulations

6th grade- Laura Husband- Great teacher- loved her annual Israel/Egypt slideshow
Carolyn White- Best Math teacher.......ever and worst hair
Roonie Davis- Hated me at first, probably because my lunchtime ritalin hadn't started working yet
Sarah Elliott- Sexiest 50 year old teacher ever!
Linda Gillaspy- Don't even ask

7th grade- Sammy Dantone- great coach who left after that year to go to Brandon
Donald Ray Jones- History teacher who's still teaching and has been for over 30 years
Gaye Smith- Funniest math teacher ever- still remember her "passing" out workbooks
Bette Weir- rather unorthodox choral director- miss her alot because she now lives in Colorado
Melanie Wallace- another really attractive woman who thought I was smarter than I was
Vera Coleman- retired the next year, I was in this very sweet woman's last class
Penni Davis- Beautiful red headed science teacher who had serious knee problems
Linda Flowers- Also still teaching at Madison Middle- over 30 years of teaching

8th grade- Carolyn Jones- strange, very stranger
Tracye Dickens- another one of my favorite ever- sent me a letter after I came to LSU
Peggy Usher- one of my favorite Kroger shoppers in later years- retired after she had her child
Vicki Spring- talked more sports than history-loved it
Nan Dear- thought it was cool she had the same name and looked like my aunt
Coach Brad Breland- another red head- last I heard was at Pearl High

9th grade- Bruce Falls- a 350 pound Bill Cosby who could out eat me AND Eric easily
Freddie Lee- GREAT teacher- WORST coach ever
Perry Liles- Bad coach, worse teacher, good guy and AD at Coffeeville high now
Bette Weir
Beverly Sinele- Made me read some stupid shit, but a very sweet lady
Albert Habeeb- may have been the smartest man I've ever met, just couldn't relate to us
Coach Freddie Lee- 0-7, enough said

10th grade- Terri Garren- Tennis coach in a joke health class, fun times though
Keith Chadwick- I won the SCHOOL award for keyboarding in this class- he's head of that department now
Becky Nolen- easy class, funny classmates- mean woman
Jessica Bailey- she was a mid year sub for a teacher that was scared away by another class- bless her heart
Bette Weir
Marilyn Collins- made us watch "The Bottom Line" with now Jackson mayor Frank Melton every wednesday- retired, but returned 3 years later
Loyce McKenzie- not touching this one
Coach Mike Justice

11th grade- Brad Winkler- first teacher to ever tell me to shut up- unbelievable guy, great class, but was recently fired as principal in ridgeland
Earlean Adams- hardest class that year- ugliest teacher too, recently retired, VERY hard tests
Bette Weir
Katherine Brown- really hot english teacher who changed my grade after urging from Coach Justice
Coach Kyle McLain- nice guy, good coach, horrible class! principal at madison middle now
Vera Jaeger- joke class, she was on her way to retirement before we even got in there
Crystal Smith- best chemistry teacher ever favorite class that year
Coach Mike Justice

12th grade- Senora Courtney Alexander- still talk to her sometimes- another one of my favorites
Patricia Dennis- ACED her english class- also talk to her occasionally
Joanna Hunt- Bette's replacement- mom ran into her recently
Coach Tom Collop- Hardest class I had in high school- one of the hardest ever- men's soccer coach
Rebecca King- #2 hardest
Carolyn Carter- hottest teacher I had and #3 hardest class
Coach Mike Curley- might be the second best teacher at MCHS
Bill Owens- best teacher at MCHS

freshmen year-
Dr. John Travis- only D I made in college- HUGE Alan Keyes supporter
Dr. Ted Snazelle- made a B, but he got on my nerves
Dr. James Meaders- learned more from him about music than I did anyone else ever
Dr. Michael Johnson- always had clever answers for test questions I didnt' know had him both semesters
Dr. Larry Logue- my advisor while I was at MC- also had him both semesters
Dr. Lee Darlin- kinda butted heads alot in his class- died a few years back at the age of 39 of a heart attack- great father and great Christian
Dr. Gerald Lee- also taught my stepfather- one of the top economics professors in the south- still teaching
Mrs. Patricia Woodall- computer/comedy hour in her class- never knew we were making fun of her

summer school-
Mrs. Jane Bishop- great teacher who could be teaching at a major university
Mrs. Emily Younger- Spanish teacher at MCHS who had the #4 hardest class I'd ever had
Mrs. Ellen Young- easiest class ever

sophomore year-
Mrs. Ann Williamson- good teacher, WEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD
Dr. Charles Smith- "Mr. Magoo" as I liked to call him- was always mad at something or someone
Mrs. Martha Hutson- my favorite teacher ever- had her for 3 classes that year, and I instantly latched on to this wonderful human being that I still talk to quite often
Dr. James Meaders
Dr. Lewis Oswalt- very clever musician
Dr. Viola Dacus- made my ass sing good :)
Mrs. Patricia Walston- been at MC since 1964 and is still there!
Mrs. Patricia Smith- one of the authorities on aquatic exercise
Mrs. Penny Haddox- sexiest teacher at MC
Coach Johnny Mills- THIS was a hard class, let me tell ya, the only hard part was that it was at 8am

last semester at MC- Dr. James Stewart- funniest teacher I ever had
Mrs. Ann Williamson
Dr. Larry Logue
Dr. James Meaders
Mrs. Janet Taylor- very sweet woman who taught me alot about music- her and her husband are the best husband/wife music combo I know
Dr. Corrine Livesay- most important class I ever had probably- taught me SO much about communication

Craig Cranford- a GA who had to teach
Jimmy Farris- we called him "coach" but yet he didn't coach anything...why?
Dr. Ken Rhinehart- easiest class I ever had in college- second funniest teacher
John David Johnson- GA soccer nerd, but a really good teacher in a pretty touch class
Dr. Sam Hughes- one of the top sports psychologists in the country- left USM after that semester

summer school- Daniel DeBrule- stuck up GA who made his class impossible
Dr. Billie Allen- hung out on my 23rd birthday working on an LSU paper- retired
Mrs. Patricia Munn- cute older woman- always dressed like it was beach time
Mrs. Sue Thornton- PETA fanatic!

last year of undergrad-
Jimmy Farris- one class and two classes of practicum
Dr. Dwayne Massey- former NFL O Linemen- COMEDY hour in his class, and he didn't know it
Dr. Cheyenne Trussell- AD of Hattiesburg schools- GREAT guy
Dr. Marc Dupree- shoudln't be teaching- should be making money- GENIUS
Dr. Talaibek Osmonbekov- worst class ever, don't ask
Dr. Stan Lewis- strange class- could never show up and still make A's...weird
Dan Weatherell- NFL agent who works for Bus Cook, cool class
Coach Steve Nagy- my dad's college buddy- enough said
Linda Watigney- did I even go to her class?

Dr. Robert Justis- one of the most respected franchising advisors in the world
Dr. Hettie Richardson- my favorite at LSU, genius and very attractive
Dr. Rebecca Gardner- EXTREMELY hard class- great personality
Dr. Daryl McKee- GREAT class, very hard and recovering from lung cancer
Dr. Stacey Furst- to quote Rebecca Wiliams- she's a ****** (not gonna say it) worst class at LSU
Mr. Bill Bankhead- great speakers, easy class
Dr. Richard Landin- genius, laid back, respected students



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