Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This Just In......

College football starts Thursday- unbelievable!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pigott and Eskew in 20 Years, An NFL Story, Part 2

It just started out with us being hungry, and it turned into this! After leaving Clarksville upset about the Saints' futility, Eric and I decided to go back home to the great bayou state of Louisiana. However, this trip was made very long just because of Eric wanting me to show me so many "memorable places" in Memphis, I zoned him out, but it was something about a belt....anyway. We stopped by Madison on the way home to visit my parent's house, but my mother said she didn't have any food for us to eat because she actually cooks stuff and doesn't "let it sit out in the sun and go bad- because "I'm no damn cajun"." After we struck out on that front, Eric decided to take me to his grandparents house in Lake Charles because that's only place he is allowed to have sweets, because Mr. and Mrs. Eskew don't allow sweets in their house. It was while we were in Lake Charles that we stopped by and caught a McNeese State Cowboys game just so Eric could prove to me that "they announce the LSU score at McNeese games". We ate alot at this game, but our good buddy Dr. Robert Smith took care of us and had us back on our feet in no time. While driving over the Atchafalaya Basin on I-1o, Eric all of a sudden says "ya know Pigott, I'm hungry and not just any kinda hungry, I'm the kinda hungry where I'm to the point where if I don't have something to eat in the next 3 minutes, I'm kicking SOMEBODY'S ass!". At first, I thought he was eat up with the dumbass, but boy was I wrong! Being over the water, Eric said that we were going fishing. Problem is, we had no fishing equipment and no bait. However, Eric has a blue fishing shirt that he wears to make people THINK he's a fisherman, but he's no fisherman, he's a hunter. Eric quickly jumped in the swamp and quickly pulled out 4-5 with his bare hands. However, he said "aaaaawwww Pigott this ain't nothing but an appetizer!". Then we saw it.....the biggest fish either one of us had ever seen. However, before we went after it, we each took a newspaper and went out in the woods to "clear our systems" so we would have plenty of room just in case we decided to eat right away. The rest, as they say, is history. Pictured above is a picture of the giant fish wrestled that day by me and Eric. Eric is on the right and I am on the left. After eating that fish, we made our way to Baton Rouge and ate at Great Wall to top off our scrumptuous snack. After our great fishing, eating, and trip down memory lane, we had to take a break, because the best was yet to come.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Previewing Summerslam 2006

"The Biggest Party of The Summer" indeed. This year's Summerslam is gonna have all the ingredients for history in the making, and is definitely the most anticipated WWE Pay-Per-View since Wrestlemania 22 in April. It's tough to pick which of the matches will actually be the main event! In any sense let's break down the matches.

- ECW Championship Match- Big Show vs. Sabu. After his win last night in a ladder match to face the Big Show, Sabu finally get his wish as the suicidal, homicidal, genocidal death-defying Sabu put his aerial assasin act against Paul Heyman's hand-chosen champion The Big Show. If this match is under extreme rules alot of things could happen. For one, you can almost guarantee that Kurt Angle, who was left out of last night's ladder match, will be involved in some way. Also, I wouldn't put it past Heyman to get his "bodyguards" involved. Don't be surprised to Rob Van Dam show up either. In any sense, this one is filled with uncertainty.

- Smackdown! World Heavyweight Championship Match- King Booker vs. Batista. Please note that I use Booker T's self proclaimed king title very loosely. I like Batista in this one for a couple of reasons. For one, he's hungry. Batista was injured by Mark Henry in January and missed six months with a torn tricep, thus having to relinquish his title due to injury- so he NEVER lost it. Booker T became champion only because Chavo Guerrero double crossed Rey Mysterio at the Great American Bash. Batista's tear lately has been so brutal, you have to think that the man is about to snap. After destroying Mark Henry and Mr. Kennedy, you have to think that Booker T hasn't felt rath that's been stirring up inside the animal. Also, there's the x factor- The Boogeyman is back from injury and hasn't been seen since his match with Booker at Wrestelmania, and according to the Boogeyman he's "comin to get cha".

- RAW WWE Championship Match- Edge vs. John Cena. To me, will probably be the best match because of the special stipulation that Edge can lose the title via disqualification. In their recent matchups, Edge has been getting DQ'd on purpose so that he wouldn't lose the title to Cena. Forcing Edge to fight now, I think this match could be a good one, because I hate to admit it, but Edge is one hell of a wrestler. However, his recent home invasion of John Cena and the way John Cena has lost the title twice now is gonna make the Chain Gang Soldier a very dangerous man come Sunday night. So, I have a feeling that the CHAAAAAAAAAAMP will be BACK!

- Degeneration X vs. The McMahons- Unless the McMahons have a death wish, they have something up their sleeve. I really think Umaga or the Spirit Squad could get involved with this one. However, DX is without a doubt the most dangerous tag team in the history of the WWE, and after ther 5 on 2 handicap match win at the last Saturday Night's Main Event, I don't think there's any stopping the Cerebral Assasin and the Heartbreak Kid.

- Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero- In a personal battle that has a storyline I'm not real fond of, these two former best friends fight in the name of the late Eddie Guerrero. Rey definitely has the edge, recently being World Champion and with Chavo coming out of retirement to fight this match. However, I have a feeling that Vicky Guerrero will get involved, thus settling this feud after just one fight.

- Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley "I Quit" Match- No it's not a misprint, Flair is still wrestling. After these two guys who genuinely hate each other dogged each other in their books, this could go down as the bloodiest match in WWE history. Flair's attack on Foley last night on ECW was just a prelude to a bloodbath that will occur in Boston. This one could be really really long. However, after the stunts Foley has pulled lately, there's no telling what's gonna happen in this one. I really think that Flair is determined to attone for his embarassing attack on him after his match with Foley at this year's Vengeance, so buckle your seatbelts for this one.

- Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton- In the "Legend vs. Legend Killer" match, Orton has opened his mouth once again and probably bitten off more than he can chew. Ever since attacking Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event, Orton has continued to badmouth the legend and his family, eventhough the Undertaker kicked his ass in a Hell in a Cell match at Armageddon, Orton still wants to run his fat ass mouth so it can get punched in by the Hulkster. Hogan has a legit knee injury and could be hampered somewhat by that, but all the Hulkamaniacs of the Boston Banknorth Garden are gonna will the Hulkster to victory. So I've got one question- Randy, what you gonna do brother when Hulkamania comes and runs all over YOU!?

Stay tuned Friday night to Smackdown! Because I think Teddy Long could add a match involving the Great Khali and the Undertaker, but that will probably be the only match added to an already star-studded card.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Impossible Task of.....

Most people claim I can't do it. So here goes- I can't sleep either, so I guess this is just a way to fight the insomnia. This is the complete list of every teacher I've EVER had. As well as something about them.

Kindergarten- Susan Young- still teaching her own idea of "transitional first grade" also called T1, and one of the most beautiful unmarried women alive. Also with her was Ginger Trammell- a "I'm gonna teach until I get pregnant" MILF.

1st grade- Carolyn Ponder- retired, but was in a near fatal auto accident recently that took the life of her husband

2nd grade- Carolyn Hand- one of my favorite teachers EVER! Also retired, and after I left her class she married some guy and moved to Waynesboro

3rd grade- Marilyn Young- retired had a serious relapse of cancer recently and I haven' t heard an update since

4th grade- Linda Wixon- one of the strangest human beings I've ever met- married some guy and they moved to Japan to be missionaries

5th grade- Ann Scott- still teaching the same class and one of the biggest Miss. State fans alive. Also had Linda Gilbert- treated me like shit, but I saw her recentlyl and she gave me her congratulations

6th grade- Laura Husband- Great teacher- loved her annual Israel/Egypt slideshow
Carolyn White- Best Math teacher.......ever and worst hair
Roonie Davis- Hated me at first, probably because my lunchtime ritalin hadn't started working yet
Sarah Elliott- Sexiest 50 year old teacher ever!
Linda Gillaspy- Don't even ask

7th grade- Sammy Dantone- great coach who left after that year to go to Brandon
Donald Ray Jones- History teacher who's still teaching and has been for over 30 years
Gaye Smith- Funniest math teacher ever- still remember her "passing" out workbooks
Bette Weir- rather unorthodox choral director- miss her alot because she now lives in Colorado
Melanie Wallace- another really attractive woman who thought I was smarter than I was
Vera Coleman- retired the next year, I was in this very sweet woman's last class
Penni Davis- Beautiful red headed science teacher who had serious knee problems
Linda Flowers- Also still teaching at Madison Middle- over 30 years of teaching

8th grade- Carolyn Jones- strange, very stranger
Tracye Dickens- another one of my favorite ever- sent me a letter after I came to LSU
Peggy Usher- one of my favorite Kroger shoppers in later years- retired after she had her child
Vicki Spring- talked more sports than history-loved it
Nan Dear- thought it was cool she had the same name and looked like my aunt
Coach Brad Breland- another red head- last I heard was at Pearl High

9th grade- Bruce Falls- a 350 pound Bill Cosby who could out eat me AND Eric easily
Freddie Lee- GREAT teacher- WORST coach ever
Perry Liles- Bad coach, worse teacher, good guy and AD at Coffeeville high now
Bette Weir
Beverly Sinele- Made me read some stupid shit, but a very sweet lady
Albert Habeeb- may have been the smartest man I've ever met, just couldn't relate to us
Coach Freddie Lee- 0-7, enough said

10th grade- Terri Garren- Tennis coach in a joke health class, fun times though
Keith Chadwick- I won the SCHOOL award for keyboarding in this class- he's head of that department now
Becky Nolen- easy class, funny classmates- mean woman
Jessica Bailey- she was a mid year sub for a teacher that was scared away by another class- bless her heart
Bette Weir
Marilyn Collins- made us watch "The Bottom Line" with now Jackson mayor Frank Melton every wednesday- retired, but returned 3 years later
Loyce McKenzie- not touching this one
Coach Mike Justice

11th grade- Brad Winkler- first teacher to ever tell me to shut up- unbelievable guy, great class, but was recently fired as principal in ridgeland
Earlean Adams- hardest class that year- ugliest teacher too, recently retired, VERY hard tests
Bette Weir
Katherine Brown- really hot english teacher who changed my grade after urging from Coach Justice
Coach Kyle McLain- nice guy, good coach, horrible class! principal at madison middle now
Vera Jaeger- joke class, she was on her way to retirement before we even got in there
Crystal Smith- best chemistry teacher ever favorite class that year
Coach Mike Justice

12th grade- Senora Courtney Alexander- still talk to her sometimes- another one of my favorites
Patricia Dennis- ACED her english class- also talk to her occasionally
Joanna Hunt- Bette's replacement- mom ran into her recently
Coach Tom Collop- Hardest class I had in high school- one of the hardest ever- men's soccer coach
Rebecca King- #2 hardest
Carolyn Carter- hottest teacher I had and #3 hardest class
Coach Mike Curley- might be the second best teacher at MCHS
Bill Owens- best teacher at MCHS

freshmen year-
Dr. John Travis- only D I made in college- HUGE Alan Keyes supporter
Dr. Ted Snazelle- made a B, but he got on my nerves
Dr. James Meaders- learned more from him about music than I did anyone else ever
Dr. Michael Johnson- always had clever answers for test questions I didnt' know had him both semesters
Dr. Larry Logue- my advisor while I was at MC- also had him both semesters
Dr. Lee Darlin- kinda butted heads alot in his class- died a few years back at the age of 39 of a heart attack- great father and great Christian
Dr. Gerald Lee- also taught my stepfather- one of the top economics professors in the south- still teaching
Mrs. Patricia Woodall- computer/comedy hour in her class- never knew we were making fun of her

summer school-
Mrs. Jane Bishop- great teacher who could be teaching at a major university
Mrs. Emily Younger- Spanish teacher at MCHS who had the #4 hardest class I'd ever had
Mrs. Ellen Young- easiest class ever

sophomore year-
Mrs. Ann Williamson- good teacher, WEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD
Dr. Charles Smith- "Mr. Magoo" as I liked to call him- was always mad at something or someone
Mrs. Martha Hutson- my favorite teacher ever- had her for 3 classes that year, and I instantly latched on to this wonderful human being that I still talk to quite often
Dr. James Meaders
Dr. Lewis Oswalt- very clever musician
Dr. Viola Dacus- made my ass sing good :)
Mrs. Patricia Walston- been at MC since 1964 and is still there!
Mrs. Patricia Smith- one of the authorities on aquatic exercise
Mrs. Penny Haddox- sexiest teacher at MC
Coach Johnny Mills- THIS was a hard class, let me tell ya, the only hard part was that it was at 8am

last semester at MC- Dr. James Stewart- funniest teacher I ever had
Mrs. Ann Williamson
Dr. Larry Logue
Dr. James Meaders
Mrs. Janet Taylor- very sweet woman who taught me alot about music- her and her husband are the best husband/wife music combo I know
Dr. Corrine Livesay- most important class I ever had probably- taught me SO much about communication

Craig Cranford- a GA who had to teach
Jimmy Farris- we called him "coach" but yet he didn't coach anything...why?
Dr. Ken Rhinehart- easiest class I ever had in college- second funniest teacher
John David Johnson- GA soccer nerd, but a really good teacher in a pretty touch class
Dr. Sam Hughes- one of the top sports psychologists in the country- left USM after that semester

summer school- Daniel DeBrule- stuck up GA who made his class impossible
Dr. Billie Allen- hung out on my 23rd birthday working on an LSU paper- retired
Mrs. Patricia Munn- cute older woman- always dressed like it was beach time
Mrs. Sue Thornton- PETA fanatic!

last year of undergrad-
Jimmy Farris- one class and two classes of practicum
Dr. Dwayne Massey- former NFL O Linemen- COMEDY hour in his class, and he didn't know it
Dr. Cheyenne Trussell- AD of Hattiesburg schools- GREAT guy
Dr. Marc Dupree- shoudln't be teaching- should be making money- GENIUS
Dr. Talaibek Osmonbekov- worst class ever, don't ask
Dr. Stan Lewis- strange class- could never show up and still make A's...weird
Dan Weatherell- NFL agent who works for Bus Cook, cool class
Coach Steve Nagy- my dad's college buddy- enough said
Linda Watigney- did I even go to her class?

Dr. Robert Justis- one of the most respected franchising advisors in the world
Dr. Hettie Richardson- my favorite at LSU, genius and very attractive
Dr. Rebecca Gardner- EXTREMELY hard class- great personality
Dr. Daryl McKee- GREAT class, very hard and recovering from lung cancer
Dr. Stacey Furst- to quote Rebecca Wiliams- she's a ****** (not gonna say it) worst class at LSU
Mr. Bill Bankhead- great speakers, easy class
Dr. Richard Landin- genius, laid back, respected students


Friday, August 11, 2006

This Just In.....

The Red Sox are done

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Blues Sign Manny Legace

It was announced today that the Blues have signed goaltender Manny Legace (seen here winning the 2002 Stanley Cup with the Detroit Red Wings). With the inconsistent play the Blues have had in goal lately, this makes sense to sign an established veteran who had a stellar record of 37-8 last year with the Red Wings. Legace, who was upset that the Red Wings brought back Dominik Hasek again to play in the net, signed with the Blues because he knows he can be the #1 goaltender on a team that's rebuilding. With Keith Tkachuk coming back for another season, this could be the 1-2 punch that puts the Blues back in the playoffs. While we lost our #1 draft pick (see the earlier post), the Blues now have an established goaltender for the first time since having Curtis Joseph in the mid-late 90's. It is also important to have a goalie with postseason experience, because in the President's Trophy season of 1999-2000, Roman Turek was an effective keeper, but his ineptitude in the postseason was well exploited by the Blues' first round loss to the San Jose Sharks. May I also point out that Legace (pronounced "legacy") might have the coolest name in the NHL behind Jeff Beukeboom.

Maurice Clarett- A Sad Story of a Waste

Don't say I didn't tell you so. Maurice Clarett was arrested early this morning in Columbus, Ohio on a traffic stop. However, Maurice resisted arrest and four loaded firearms in his SUV. Now facing felony concealed weapons charges, Clarett, who's armed robbery trial starts on Monday, has written another chapter to one of the saddest stories in the history of football. Clarett is the perfect example of a high school athlete who was given all kinds of chances just because of his talent, had a coach who kissed his ass, a mother who didn't think he did anything wrong, and a sense of entitlement which led Clarett to believe he was good enough to go to the NFL out of high school. After a stellar season at Ohio State, Clarett spit in the face of the very school that gave him a chance. After being declared ineligible after being arrest for filing a false police report, his "I'm so tough" attitude led him to blow the whistle on Ohio State for NCAA vioations that are still under investigation. After a long drawn out ordeal, and his chance to finally get in the NFL, he lazed his ass around and "wasn't ready" for the NFL combine in 2005. He later had his own personal workout which was all but impressive. Being drafted in the 3rd round by the Broncos last season, he complained that he should be starting to Coach Mike Shanahan instead of being on special teams, and was cut in training camp. I also disagree strongly with the comments made by Skip Bayless and Woody Paige on Cold Pizza this morning in which they both said they have "sympathy" for him and that someone should reach out and help him. If he wasn't an athlete, there is no way they would say this. You're talking about someone who pissed away everything that was given to him and then some, spit in the face of everyone who ever gave him a chance, and then used his entitlement attitude and is playing a "woe is me" race card defense in his criminal hearings. People like Maurice Clarett do not deserve to succeed in life and I must say it's sickening to see such a pompous asshole be given chances that people who are great people and talented athletes never got. STOP LETTING THIS GUY RUIN YOUR FOOTBALL TEAM! Let him think about how important he is in the Ohio State Penitentiary.

Monday, August 07, 2006

This Just In.......

This blog is interrupted by another Floyd Landis testosterone excuse.

Hogan out for Summerslam?

In what could put a major damper on the upcoming Summerslam '06 that is coming up next Sunday, it has been announced that Hulk Hogan has suffered a maniscus tear and is questionable for his match against Randy Orton. Hogan, who was supposed to be making a comeback in the "Legend vs. Legend Killer" match next Sunday, hasn't been in a WWE ring since last year's SummerSlam victory over the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels in the famed "Legend vs. Icon" match from last year. Hogan, wanting to avenge an RKO that was delivered to him during last month's Saturday Night's Main Event was the sell of the event that only has announced two other matches, with two others rumored. General Pigott.com will continue to follow this developing story as more new is available, in the meantime, stay tuned for a full SummerSlam preview next week.

Reggie White Enshrined in Pro Football Hall of Fame

In a Hall of Fame induction ceremony that on Sunday, featured the best induction class in recent memory with Troy Aikman, Coach John Madden, Rayfield Wright, Harry Carson, and Warren Moon, one name stood out above all the other great players. That man was Reggie White. The late "minister of defense" and the second most NFL all-time sacks leader was enshrined by his wife Sarah in one of the most emotional speeches ever given at the Canton,Ohio hallowed grounds. While the other superstars had their time on the podium, the day was certainly one that belonged to Reggie White. There are very few players that have ever played pro sports that you can't help but like no matter what team they play for. Ripken, Gretzky, Stockton, are some of the athletes that fall into this very exclusive class. However, few of even those athletes can match White's likeability. Spending the majority of his career on my hated Eagles, he was one of those guys you always wanted to do good, even after he jumped ship in Green Bay to play for the also hated Panthers, Reggie's charisma on the field and positive message and example he preached to youth all over the country is one truly spoken from the heart of a true champion in every sense of the word. I like to think that if Reggie wouldn't have spent the first two years playing for the Memphis Showboats of the USFL, which his wife mentioned in the speech on Sunday, that we would be easily the NFL's all time sacks leader. Reggie White wasn't scared of the physical world that was the NFL, he also wasn't afraid to take controversial stands on issues that weren't always the "politically correct" thing to stand for. That's one of the things I always respected about him no matter how much I hated the Eagles and the Panthers. People, especially athletes, should take a lead from Reggie White and see the way not only defense was supposed to be played, but the way life was supposed to be lived.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Anthony Simmons "Retires"

It was announced this morning that Saints Linebacker Anthony Simmons was retiring after not reporting to camp. Even before signing with the Saints, Simmons had said he was unhappy in the NFL and had "family issues". I really do wish Anthony Simmons the best, but I am confused at his actions. Honestly, Simmons was a really good player in his own right, but I like the Saints linebacking corps that is in place now with Will Smith, Colby Bockwoldt, and new pickup Scott Fujita.

Madison Central Hires Bobby Hall

Well this is a little late, but it has come to my attention that Madison Central has hired Coach Bobby Hall as the new AD/Head Football Coach. Hall, with 211 career wins, is the third winningest coach in MHSAA football history. Hall, who also coached at Northeast CC, Murray State, and the Tupelo FireAnts in the Arena 2 league, brings 4 state championships at Amory in the 80's and 90's in 3A and 4A. It's nice when a school has enough money in the athletic department to hire a big name coach that can bring greatness back to a program. So, that means that 2 out of 3 coaches in Madison Central Football history are 2 of the winningest coaches in state history. Go mighty Jaguars.


Ironically enough, I have a update from "Tracking Pigott's NFL Teammates". It's down to four. After speaking with Doug Buckles, he said he had given up football as a player and it working in Ridgeland, MS as an insurance agent. More to come on this new development.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This Just In......

Unisom is supposed to make you sleepy at night, not when you're at work.

Saints Trade Michael Bennett to Chiefs

It was announced this morning that the Saints traded Running Back Michael Bennett to the Kansas City Chiefs for an undisclosed pick the upcoming NFL Draft. This deal was made to take the cluster out of a backfield that had Bennett, Reggie Bush, Deuce McAllister, and Aaron Stecker. So, on that level, it makes sense. However, I'm still a little skeptical. I REALLY hope we don't regret this one.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Keep Mark McGwire Out of the Hall of Fame!

With the recent controversial induction of Bruce Sutter into the Hall of Fame on Sunday, which in itself is controversial just due to the circumstances surrounding it, this topic should be discussed. Not that Sutter was a bad pitcher, it's just that Lee Smith who is the all time saves leader is NOT in the Hall of Fame yet makes the induction of Sutter questionable. Anyway, in 2007, two things are certain. 1- Tony Gwynn will be inducted. 2- Cal Ripken, Jr. will be inducted. The other "big" name being thrown around is that of Mark McGwire. The mere idea of Mark McGwire sharing the stage with those two LEGENDS of baseball is not only laughable, it's so direspectful to those two guys that it's unimaginable. Let me go through the several reasons that Mark McGwire not only should not be inducted next season, but EVER. For one, he is probably THE most one dimensional player of all time. Of his 1626 career hits (a rather unspectacular number in itself), 583 of those are homeruns. So, over one third of his hits are homeruns. If you wanna induct him, then you should also induct other second rate one dimensional bombers like Ralph Kiner, George Foster, Rob Deer, and Greg Vaughn. To me, a Hall of Famer can do SEVERAL things well. True greatness just drips from both Ripken and Gwynn and I can't even put them in the same universe as McGwire as far as pure baseball ability and career. By the way, in McGwire's final season with St. Louis, he hit .187, batted over .300 just three times and is a career .263 hitter. He also was a VERY AVERAGE first basemen defensively and was known to make silly errors from time to time. In fact, I would dare say that he wasn't even the best first basemen of his era that featured Mark Grace, Will Clark, Fred McGriff, and even Eddie Murray. Also, there's the one thing that I think hurts McGwire the most. According to Jose Canseco (who, with the recent busting of Rafael Palmeiro, looks more and more credible everyday), McGwire was shooting 'roids in his rookie season in which he set the rookie record of 49 homers in 1987. If that's the case, NONE of his homeruns should be without an asterisk. McGwire even admitted to using andro (which is illegal in the NFL, and was later banned by the MLBPA), and always seems to cop excuses of why he doesn't want to talk about steroids use because he "doesn't want to talk about the past". To me that says "I'm freaking guilty". I mean seriously, at least we know that Barry Bonds was clean at least until 2000 when he started on his bulking up, but McGwire was juicing the WHOLE time. So, if all these baseball writers are talking about keeping Bonds out of the Hall of Fame under his cloud of suspicion (and I disagree, because in his time with Pittsburgh, Bonds was quite possibly the best player in baseball) then you almost HAVE to keep out McGwire. America is obsessed with the homerun, but I wouldn't have McGwire on my team if I could help it. Sure, he drew alot of walks, and made America "fall in love with baseball again" when he broke Roger Maris's record (who by the way, is NOT in the hall of fame and I think it's a travesty that he's not) but seriously, how much did he strike out? (1,596) Or ground into a double play? I would much rather have a multi-talented first basemen on my team. Plus, the versatile guys aren't "lifting weights in the bathroom".
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