Thursday, May 06, 2010

Late Night Music Part 39..............."Do You Paint With All The Colors of the Wind?"

With the unpredictable weather today, the sky has been about 7 colors. But what about the 7 different colors music can be? How many times have you seen a certain color or said a certain color and it triggered a certain artist/band? In the grand scheme of things, it is quite surprising the amount of colorful band names out there that just add to their music. However, you quickly find that the color usually has nothing to do with the band (except Yellowcard- seriously- Ryan Key's HAIR! YIKES!). Anyway, let's celebrate the colorful bands that made us see rainbows.

In order to be put in this list, the ARTIST had to have a color of some sort as their whole name or part of their name. Also receiving votes in this category were- "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath, "Anna's Song" by Silverchair, and "State of Mind" by Clint Black.

Plain White Tees- "Let Me Take You There". Always my favorite Plain White Tees song. Unreleased as a single, but used in several video tributes, this song shows that this band that's usually silly can be serious. Sorry, no cool video on this one, just a really good song.

Simply Red- "If You Don't Know Me By Now". I never got this British "soul" band. LOL I love how the goofy white guys (especially lead singer Mick Hucknall) are called an R&B group. This remake of the 1972 Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes hit shot to #1 in 1989. This video reminds me of one of those creepy "escape" video games where you have to escape from a factory/warehouse/dungeon.
That warehouse full of chairs is quite frightening.....but wait, not it's a bar..........but wait, now it's a concert hall. What in the world is the movie playing in the background? Oh yeah, someone please give Mick Hucknall a haircut. I think I speak for all white people when I say that no white man can pull off R&B with that hair.

Green Day- "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". Always really liked this song, even though I always found it interesting that skating rinks, etc. wouldn't play the edited version with kids around. I love how Green Day's videos are usually highly metaphorical but this one is pretty literal- congratulations! I also notice how bassist Mike Dirnt almost looks like a chaperone. He looks like the old guy with the high school kids. While I watch this video my body screams for Billy Joe Armstrong to stop wearing makeup that makes him look like a lesbian.

Yellowcard- "Way Away". I first heard this song on the "Madden NFL 2004" soundtrack and have been hooked ever since. Yellowcard is a good band but they crack me up. First of all, Ryan Key does NOT look like a lead singer. Also, please tell me who messes his hair up? He's gotta have a new guitar stance- I'm begging him. On the opposite end, violinist Sean Mackin looks way too angry to be a guy playing a violin. That being said- still a great rock song. The two Ryan Keys in the video kinda throws me off a bit though.

Al Green- "Let's Stay Together". Great live performance here from 1972 of Al Green's first top 10 hit of his illustrious career, which still continues today. One of the smoothest soul songs ever written but please tell me- what in the world is on his wrist? Is that a bracelet or a weight?

Pink- "So What". Ok Ok Ok I do realize that Pink appeared in the Late Night Music "Great Song, But Too Bad The Rest Of Your Songs Suck". but she's starting to grown on me and as our good friend Chuck Vogt says, "Pink is HOT". I really like this video because I think it's cool how Carey Hart appears as himself and the song is basically about him. Even though he and Pink (who actually refers to herself as her real name "Alecia" on the sawed down tree) are now back together, this would have been the equivalent to Britney Spears appearing in the "Cry Me A River" video. Bonus points for the underwear pillow fight.

Silversun Pickups- "Lazy Eye". I got into this song on "Guitar Hero World Tour" and the first time I heard it I thought Silversun Pickups had a female lead singer. The song being lip synched by a female doesn't help me either. Listen yourself and see- is she the lead singer or is Brian Aubert? I also can't figure out if this video is set in the 70's or if the patrons in the bar just have that bad of fashion sense. Bassist Nikki Monninger is SUPER HOT.

Blues Traveler- "Hook". John Popper could quite possibly be the best harmonica player ever, and I'm not even exaggerating. Good call having the beauty pageant contestants in the video more than the actual band. No matter how good of a band you are, when you look like Blues Traveler, please stay off the screen! I always liked Blues Traveler, but they were an unfortunate "one album wonder" with their 1994 album "Four".

Maroon 5- "She Will Be Loved". If I could have a legitimate man crush, Adam Levine would be at the top of the list- seriously how awesome is the guy? I have to admit that I at first hated Maroon 5 just because someone told me that "if you like Third Eye Blind you'll love Maroon 5", and when I found that they sound nothing alike I was highly upset. However, I have moved past this and now I have become a fan of their music. This video goes to show you that if a wealthy husband won't show his wife love and Adam Levine is around she WILL be loved. Infinite bonus points for Kelly Preston in the video.

Adam Levine- enough said
See what I mean?
Simply Red-iculous
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